Wetenschappelijke Artikelen Wetenschappelijke artikelen: The effects of special educational needs and socioeconomic status on teachers' and parents' judgements of pupils' cognitive abilities (Smeets, Rohaan, Van der Ven & Bakx, 2024 ) A comparison of gifted children and children with low, average, and above-average cognitive abilities in sensory processing sensitivity in the primary school context (Samsen-Bronsveld, Bakx, Bogaerts & Van der Ven, 2024 ) Elementary teachers’ knowledge, attitude, and professional development needs concerning gifted students and their educational needs in the Netherlands (Smeets, Rohaan, Peijnenburg, Samsen-Bronsveld & Bakx, 2023) Back to the Drawing Board Again: Potential Indicators of Giftedness in Human Figure Drawings of Children Aged 4 to 6 Years (Mathijssen, Feltzer, Hoogeveen, Denissen & Bakx, 2023) Academic motivation of intellectually gifted students and their classmatesin regular primary school classes: A multidimensional, longitudinal, personand variable-centered approach (Hornstra, Mathijssen, Denissen en Bakx, 2023) (Not) swimming with the big fish: Primary school students’ competence satisfaction and frustration in high-ability pull-out classes (Gerritsen, Poorthuis, Bakx & Hornstra, 2023) Back to the drawing board: A descriptive study on potential indicators of giftedness in human figure drawings of children aged 4 to 6 years (Mathijssen, Feltzer, Hoogeveen, Denissen & Bakx, 2022) Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on gifted and non-gifted primary school students' well-being and motivation from a self-determination perspective (Samsen-Bronsveld, Van der Ven, Speetjens, & Bakx, 2022) High-ability students’ need satisfaction and motivation in pull-ut and regular classes: A quantitative and qualitative comparison between settings (Hornstra, Van Weerdenburg, Van den Brand, Hoogeveen, & Bakx, 2022) Sensory processing sensitivity does not moderate the relationship between need satisfaction, motivation and behavioral engagement in primary school students (Samsen-Bronsveld, Van der Ven, Bogaerts, Greven, & Bakx, 2022) Self-Descriptions of High-Performing and Regular-Performing Primary School Students: An Open, Exploratory Study (Bakx, Samsen-Bronsveld, Van Elderen, & Van Horssen-Sollie, 2021) Motivating gifted and non-gifted students in regular primary schools (Hornstra, Bakx, Mathijssen, & Denissen, 2020) Oratie - Begaafde leerling zoekt leerkracht (Bakx, 2019) Identifying highly gifted children by analyzing human figure drawings (Mathijssen, Feltzer, & Hoogeveen, 2016) Effects of full-time and part-time high-ability programs on developments in students’ achievement emotions (Hornstra, Van der Veen, & Peetsma, 2017) A comparison of high-ability pupils’ views vs. regular ability pupils’ views of characteristics of good primary school teachers (Bakx, Van Houtert, Van den Brand, & Hornstra, 2017)